Monday 24 January 2011

Organisation Culture

A organisation culture is a organisation that organises itself which conducts of beliefs and procedure that make up the culture of the company. There are many different organisations that have many different procedures and belief because where ever you are and where ever you go you are going to see mixed race people who all believe in different religions, no matter if it is a work place or even in the local community you will always see different culture.

A great example to use is John Lewis High Wycombe. John Lewis in High Wycombe employee different ethnic background and they all are different colours different people and all have different religion. In John Lewis they all have learnt the aspects of an organisation by working with each other as a team to achieve their goals. They all have learnt something about each of their partner’s religion and beliefs and what they believe in and all have a great understand of each other’s religion.

John Lewis has their own organisation culture that tells them who they are, what they do and how they do it. They have procedure they follow like any other organisation. The organisation at John Lewis is so strong that it is unbreakable. A organisation is what keeps the business on its feet and keep it running and without that they won’t be anything. They are three layers of culture the first is visible aspects of culture, the second is value and beliefs and the third and final one is the basic assumption that keep the organisation going.

Diagram of An Organisation Culture:

A power full culture is a culture that is powerful and strong and unbreakable because of the organisation it is for. If the organisation is good and strong than the power culture must be strong to. A powerful culture is a culture that is quick in its nature and is quick to do anything that is required.

A role culture is a culture that is used only by big organisations which are international organisations. A role culture is made up of rules and regulations that must be obeyed and also employees are told what to do and what not to do as well as how to do it. This culture is not the best one that people want to work for because they don’t feel motivated to work for because of the working atmosphere. This culture also consists of different levels that people have to reach to obtain power.

A task culture is a culture that consists of tasks that are done as a organisation. They do tasks together to achieve better results and are better for work in this environment. More people like to work in this type of environment because there is freedom and flexibility involved which means that you can work at your own pace because they will be other people to help you.

A person culture is a culture that is for manly the government and politics such as barristers. This culture has only one level which everyone is on and no one is higher or lower than each other by status, they all are equal. This culture only helps the people who are dedicated and interested in the culture and rewards them witn the success of the culture.

If you try and put culture into the four different types mentioned above than there will be no organisation structure left because all four are different types of culture and if you put them all together they all won’t work. If you put all these culture together than you will have to change everything about each of the 4 cultures which could include attitudes and the main one which makes and organisation which is poor communication. If you take out communication from these different culture than you are left with anything and the organisation will suffer because they can’t do anything right because they all are no communicating properly. I think it would be best if they where to keep all the different cultures separate from each other because they don’t go with each other and if they don’t go with each other than the organisation can benefit from it and achieve what the want to achieve as a organisation.

Overall I found this topic useful and I am glade we learnt it because it taught me something new that I didn’t know. I didn’t even Know that there was different types of cultures in a organisation, I thought that their was just one that every organisation used but I thought wrong. This topic was great their is a lot to learn from this topic. I also found out that you can’t put these different cultures together because you will have to change everything for all the organisations and keep them all the same

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you have really understood this subject. You need to explain more about the visible aspects of the organisational culture of John Lewis - how do you recognise a John Lewis store when you go in? Uniforms, layout, slogans, staff etc. Then your explanations of the different cultures need to be more analytical.
