Monday 24 January 2011

Enterprise week

In this assignment I had to attend 1 event in the enterprise week. The 1 event that I attended was the PR markets and entrepreneurship which was about not just about making a profit. This event taught me knowledge and a great understanding of how businesses use marketing to market their business. The Pr marketing was a lecture about how business uses other businesses to promote and establish their businesses. The PR marketing also told us how businesses use social networking sites such as Face book, twitter, MySpace, blogger, word press and Bebo to advertise businesses to the right target audience at no extra costs because they are free social networking sites to use. Through this event I learnt about how online businesses communicate with each other internally and externally.

We also learned about how the technology has changed over the internet and how each it is to advertise online. The enterprise event was held at the board room theatre which is located in buck’s new university which is in High Wycombe. The events lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Throughout the event we where evaluating different businesses and how each of them business market their business through the World Wide Web. By me attended these events I have benefited about how the online marketing industry’s work. I have also learned knowledge about online businesses and how they market there business and there products which I find very useful because I have planned to open an online business soon so therefore I will know what I m doing in order to market my business online.Throughout this event I had listened carefully and underlined any import information that I did not understand so that I can go and research it in more detail in my own time.

Below is a diagram that Illustrates how business are marketed online:

I also learnt that the internet is the most secure and most profitable business anyone can have because it is a business that is always open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The internet business could be run automatically by the programmes and software that support it. In this event I have also learned how businesses operate online and how well they support each other. I also have found out that it cost’s very little money to set up a web site business.

Overall I believe that this event has inspired my career by making me think of new ways to make money. This event has helped me to be broad minded and helped me to understand how an online business works as well as how to market an online business. The event made me things from a different prospectus and made me more motivated to work harder and achieve the goal and target I have set for the next 3 years. The event was also fun and enjoyable to attend.

1 comment:

  1. Good review and reflection on how this impacted you.
    Well done for posting all 6 blogs before the deadline and for sorting out the technology!
