Monday 24 January 2011

Improving Staff Performance

There are two different types of motivation theories when it comes to improving staff performance one is content and the other is process. There is a big difference in content and process theories because they both have different goals. A process theory explains a human’s behaviour and a content theory explains how people change.
A content theory is a theory of motivation which is shown by many different views:
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
• Herzberg’s two factor theory
• Aldefer’s ERG theory
• McClelland’s needs theory

A process theory is also a theory of motivation which is also shown by different aspects:
• Adam’s Equity Theory
• Kahler’s Drivers
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

The content theories focus on issues with a set individual that leads motivation. The process theories focus on how motivation takes place. I have chosen the expectancy theories because it identifies many different ways in which they motivate their employees. The expectancy theory I think is the most fairest from them all and is the most motivational ones as well because they reward the people who work hard and achieve targets that are set. A great example for me to use is the John Lewsis partnership company. John Lewis use the expectancy theory to maintain motivation in the working environment, They use the expectanct theory to achieve their sales targets as well as achieve great results anually which they all get a great big bonus.
John Lewis has many great benefits and rewards that the give their employees such as:
• A Share in the organisation which means they get a percentage of the organisation
• Great holiday entitelment
• If a employee has worked for them for over 15 years than they give them 6 months paid holiday
• Pension
• Holiday pay
• Extended Leave
• Life Assurance
• Holidays and Leisure Facilities
• Ticket Subsidies
• Voluntary Benefits
• Discount deals In store or online

John Lewis is one of the best organisations to work for and are in the top 50 of the best Britain organisation. John Lewis use the expectancy theory so it motivates their employees to work harder and strive for success because their employees are not just employees but instead they are shareholders of the organisation which makes them feel different and want to work harder because they own a percentage of the organisation. John Lewis have been using this expectancy theory for the past few years and since they introduced this theory their sales have increased and their employees like working for them because they offer them good benefits.

Below is a diagram on how John Lewis uses the Expectancy theory of motivation:

John Lewis uses this expectancy Theory to achieve targets and sales so that they can maximise profit which is not only good for just the organisation but for everyone that is part of the John Lewis organisation because they all get a share of the business. As you can see the Expectancy theory Diagram which shows us how well the John Lewis employees work because they have a percentage of the organisation which makes them work harder and put more effort into the business which also evaluates them to perform better and harder because the harder they worker the bigger the percentage they get at the end of the financial year. This than concludes and evaluates to the reward that they receive at the end of the year which depends on how well they have done. Last year John Lewis paid their partners a 14% annually bonus. This than motivates the partners to strive for success and work harder the following year to achieve a higher percentage in the next annual bonus.
Overall I believe that this topic on Improving staff Performance was a great topic to review because it taught me the motivation theory’s that different organisations use to improve their staff performance and what type of different benefits they use to persuade their employees/partners to achieve higher sales. This topic also taught me the Expectancy theory and the Equity theory as well as the goal theory that organisations have that they use to motivate their employees. Overall It was a good topic and I really enjoyed it.


  1. Well done - another good blog, but make sure you reference within the blogs

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