Monday 24 January 2011


Motivation Theory

There are 3 different types of theory’s that I have learned, The first one is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the second is the Hertzberg’s two factor theory and the third and final theory is the Aldefer’s ERG theory. These entire theory’s are all about motivation but they all have different views about motivation and how people should be motivated in a school, University, Personal and Business life. In this Assignment I had to only choose one Motivation Theory and therefore choose the one that best suited me which was the Hertzberg’s two factor theory.
The Hertzberg’s two factor theory was all about motivation in a work place. The theory had factors that contained different motivation stages in a work place that would cause job satisfaction so that the employees are happy and they work harder to achieve their aims and objectives. Hertzberg’s two factor theory consisted of two things, first it was motivation and secondly it was hygiene factors. The motivation factor was all about responsibility, achievement, recognistion and challenging work that could arise from a job. The motivation factor was needed so employers can motivate their employees to work harder and aim higher to achieve higher targets. The hygiene factor was all about job security, benefits for working, status, working conditions and salary. This theory was used to makes sure that the employees are happy to work for their employer and are not unhappy to work for them. Hertzberg designed the two step theory to understand the employee motivation and satisfaction.
The Diagram below Illustrates the two step Theory:

I feel that the Hertzsberg’s two factor theory is most relevant to me becuase I need some sort of motivation to keep me going on further in life for example I am a undergraduate student who is studying Accounting and Finance and I find it difficult tolearn becuase it is all complictaed with formulas and maths which I dont’ like at all but whta motivates me to do beter in my studys is my family and friends becuase my parents want to see me with a degree and see me happy and the only way I am going to be happy is if I see them happy so therfore I become more motivated to work harder to achieve my degree. Another motivation I have is to fufill my dream of becoming a Accountant and open my own Accounting consoltant firm but in order for me to do this i will need to work harder and better to achieve this goal which makes me motivated. Another motivation factor I have iis that if I work harder in life than I could buy the goods i want Buy the supercars I want and live a good life. I believe that when Hertberg says you need to have security I think people should consider it because it is a great motivation factor because everyone need security in life such as money. I also think the physiological needs relates to me because I thrive for sucess, I thrive for security.
The main Motivation I really had to start of my degree was really to see my parents happy, They have always wanted me to do well and this was a motivation theory for me. I started a dregree not only for my parents but also for myself I always knew I could be Or become someone really sucessful I always had that on my mind so that I could be motivated to do the tasks that are set in order for me to achiev my passport to sucess. Motivation has many different levels that people need to climb for example my first on was to pass my GCSE’S so that I could go on to do A levels and go on further to do a degree level and than a masters degree. The next three years my only motivation would be to obtain a degree in accounting and finance and the only way I could do this is if I chase excellence. If I chase excellence than I have the key to sucess which I believe open’s all the doors. Even this motivation of mine relates to the one I mentioned previously which was a bout security and Physical needs that Hertzberg theory mentions.
There was one time that I was demotivated to do anything which was about a year ago when I was studying my A levels. I became demotivated because of a family friend of mine he said to me what are you going to do with a degree, people who current have a degree can’t get a degree related job and are working in suppermarkets and are earning money just to survive on. I was afraid and was demotivated for about two weeks which I didn’t attend Sixth Form nore did I step outside my house, all that time I was constantly thinking what if I get a degree and I can’t find a job too than I am finished, How will I pay Back the student loan, i wasted all these years of my life but than suddenly I started to look at possibilitys of getting a degree related job which where very good, They involved good salary,good working environment,good hours and good benefits which motivated me to rejoin education and geta degree. I didn’t want to work all my life in a supermarket but instead wanted a nice house, nice car and a nice job which I could enjoy. If I was to do this diffrently than I would have gone to see carrer advisors such as Connections or aim higher to help and support young people in education and help them to discover a new education pathway.

Overall I believe that the motivation topic was very usefull to know becuase It outlined what we shold be looking for in our futhur jobs when we eventually get a degree related job. I also found this topic useful because It taught me a lot about motivation and how businesses use motivation to keep their employees happy. I also learned a bout the different types of motivation and which motivation best suited me. This Blog also taught me about Maslow’s hierach of needs, Hertzberg’s two factor theory and also Alderfer’s ERG theory.


  1. Well done for posting your first blog. Make sure you include references for the theories, both within the blog and a reference list at the end of the blog.
    You need to read the blogs carefully before posting them as there are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but a good blog

  2. Hi, I am Chanakya niti, I just want to thanks you for such kind work
