Monday 24 January 2011


I have used many resources that helped me put together this assignment. I used Text books from the university library as well as online resources that where asvailable to me.

I have listed all the resources that I have used:

• Leadership in organisations by Gary Yuke (text book)

I also used the lecture notes which helped me to gather some facts and information about each of these topics as well as using the notes that are available to me through the university blackboard.

Enterprise week

In this assignment I had to attend 1 event in the enterprise week. The 1 event that I attended was the PR markets and entrepreneurship which was about not just about making a profit. This event taught me knowledge and a great understanding of how businesses use marketing to market their business. The Pr marketing was a lecture about how business uses other businesses to promote and establish their businesses. The PR marketing also told us how businesses use social networking sites such as Face book, twitter, MySpace, blogger, word press and Bebo to advertise businesses to the right target audience at no extra costs because they are free social networking sites to use. Through this event I learnt about how online businesses communicate with each other internally and externally.

We also learned about how the technology has changed over the internet and how each it is to advertise online. The enterprise event was held at the board room theatre which is located in buck’s new university which is in High Wycombe. The events lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Throughout the event we where evaluating different businesses and how each of them business market their business through the World Wide Web. By me attended these events I have benefited about how the online marketing industry’s work. I have also learned knowledge about online businesses and how they market there business and there products which I find very useful because I have planned to open an online business soon so therefore I will know what I m doing in order to market my business online.Throughout this event I had listened carefully and underlined any import information that I did not understand so that I can go and research it in more detail in my own time.

Below is a diagram that Illustrates how business are marketed online:

I also learnt that the internet is the most secure and most profitable business anyone can have because it is a business that is always open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The internet business could be run automatically by the programmes and software that support it. In this event I have also learned how businesses operate online and how well they support each other. I also have found out that it cost’s very little money to set up a web site business.

Overall I believe that this event has inspired my career by making me think of new ways to make money. This event has helped me to be broad minded and helped me to understand how an online business works as well as how to market an online business. The event made me things from a different prospectus and made me more motivated to work harder and achieve the goal and target I have set for the next 3 years. The event was also fun and enjoyable to attend.


A conflict is a matter that can occur with a single individual or a whole organisation. A conflict has to consist of two groups or within an organisation than they may be two employees. There can be many different types of conflicts between people at home or at work. Married couples always have conflicts between them and so do partners. Every single person in the whole world has to have a conflict. It is natural to have a conflict in life, research shows that conflict is made by stress and lack of communication, If a person does not agree with something and they agree to something else that this is the main cause of a conflict.

Below is a Diagram of a conflict:

There was a group that I was apart of that involved a conflict. I was apart of a coursework based conflict back in sixth form where we had to wok in groups of 4 people and do a presentation about communication and how communication is used in a organisation. The conflict started when I said that no matter how big or small the organisation is it has to use communication to become successful. My group mate disagreed and said that’s wrong and said a small business does not communicate but just goes ahead and does the task without taking a decision. The conflict started from her and we went on and on and became of angry at him that I left the group and started to do a presentation alone at communication. When i calmed down I went back to my original group and said look at this and explained to them in more detail about organisation and found resources on the website that explains how effective communication is in a business. Then my fellow group mates looked it up and found out that I was right and they where wrong and therefore apologised to me and asked me to re join the group which I did and for that reason I was more trusted in the group and made some good decisions and got us a grade B for that presentation. We over came the conflict because I decide to show the finding and research about the topic which they would agree to.

There are 5 different sources of power:
•Coercive Power- is the power that punishes a person. Coercive power is used in organisations to punish employees for the lack of effort they have put into their work. A great example of this is when an organisation is not happy with an employee and is looking to sack them.
•Reward Power- is given to employees through an organisation to reward them of the efforts that they have put into the organisation. A great example of reward power is when an employer gives an employee a pay rise or recognition for their hard work.
•Expert Power- is a power that is given to bright, skilled individuals that work for an organisation. This power is given to them if they have great knowledge, experience and understanding of their role. A great example for this would be if a normal employee becomes recognised for his or her hard work and be referred to and get’s a promotion to a supervisor job where they would be making decisions for people who are working under them.

•Legitimate Power- is the power that is given by the manager. This type of power is used in organisations on a daily bases, when this power is given to a set individual than he or she must concentrate on their new responsibilities that they have. Legitimate power is one of the hardest powers to attain. A example of a Legitimate power is a manager of a organisation, they will tell each and every employee on what to do and when it needs to be done by. They also need to check and see if everyone is following procedures correctly.

•Referent Power- is a power that has an image, a reputation and most of all identification. When a person has referent power than they have what it takes to control the whole organisation. They are the leaders and all the employees must obey his or her command. This individual would be the most respected one from the whole organisation. A great example of referent power these days is celebrities; the public respect the celebrities which give them the referent power.

There are 5 different stregies that an organisation can use to overcome conflict at work which are:

1.They can introduce a new management procedure which pays everyone equally and gets individuals recognised equally for there hard work.
2.Ensure that their is consequences involved if there is a conflict and what the outcomes would be of the consequences.
3.Outline goals and objectives clearly so that it is clear on what they have to do so therefore they will be no argument which causes a conflict.
4.They can make sure that everyone need to know what they have to do and they should double check what they need to do as well as communicate well with each other.
5.Make sure that the employees are aware of the grievance policy and procedure and are aware what is expected from them.

Overall I believe that there is ways on avoiding a conflict and I have also learned why conflicts are started and how they are started because I have also conflicts in my personal life as well as in an organisation. In this topic I have also learned about the 5 power that are used in an organisation to help it organise correctly. I have also learned about the advantages and disadvantages of conflicts at work. I have really learnt a lot from this topic and I am happy to have done this topic because It has given me a great understanding of conflicts.


Leadership is an Individual or a group leader who leads their group to achieve their goals and targets set as an individual or as a organisation. Leaders are there to motivate their group and inspire them by leading them to their required targets. A leader is the main person that gives ideas and feedbacks to his or her group in an organisation. Management is a group or an individual in an organisation that illustrates and implements the policy that the employees need to follow. Management could be a department manager or a store manager or even a managing director of an organisation. The management plans to achieve goals and targets that they need to achieve as an organisation. The management also suggest new strategy’s to implement change in the organisation for the better of the company. The management is in charge of an organisation and they also show employees what needs to be done and how to do the right action correctly.

The difference between manager and a leader is that the leader is working below the manager. A manager is in charge of a whole organisation and a leader is only in charge when the manger is not physically there. If the manager implements any changes that need to be done within the organisation than the leader has to follow. A leader is a person that people follow with their own choice whereas the manger has to be obeyed. A manger has skills and experience behind him and a leader has no skills or any organisation but has employees behind him to listen to his command. A manager and a leader are two different people with two different statuses within an organisation. They both have different ways on how the organise the employees.

The management grid which was developed by Blake and Mouton is a grid that most managements and leader in an organisation use. A great example I am using is Jarvis Hotel’s. I am using this example because last year I have worked for them in their head office which is located in High Wycombe. The leadership style they have used according to the management grid of Blake and Moulton would be concerned for the production and concern for the team. This organisation would be best suited on that place on the grid because all the time I was there they were working well as a team and where meeting their targets that they have set for each individual hotel that they have. They where also where concentrating on each and every individual hotel that they own so that they could see what was going well and what was not going so well. They where using the management leadership style but was a bit different from any other type of organisation because the managing director of the organisation was a bit more relaxed and trusted his team to achieve the targets he had set. He was so sure of his team that he only comes into the office 2 times a week just to check his appointments and only comes in for half the day. The management style they use there is one of the best that I have ever worked in you would get breaks when ever you want but the honest thing is that you would enjoy working there because of the atmosphere and the people that work there are so friendly and kind and caring which makes a huge difference.

Below is a diagram of the Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid:

An article that I have found online that discusses a great leadership style of sir Richard Branson, the great chairman of the virgin media corporation. In this article they talk about how he leads his multi billion empire and talks about how it is to be and become a good leader. The article also tells us how he treats his employees and how he motivates them to achieve their goals. The article says his leadership style is a good but he doesn’t hold board meetings and does not know how to operate a computer.
To find out more on this article I have put a Link below:

Overall I believe that the topic was very use full and I have generated a lot form this such as finding out the difference between a leadership and management roles as well as how different organisation use each roles to achieve their targets. I also found out new facts about the leadership such as the Blake and Moulton managerial grid which I did not know about before and never seen before. I believe that this was a great topic and was worth doing.

Organisation Culture

A organisation culture is a organisation that organises itself which conducts of beliefs and procedure that make up the culture of the company. There are many different organisations that have many different procedures and belief because where ever you are and where ever you go you are going to see mixed race people who all believe in different religions, no matter if it is a work place or even in the local community you will always see different culture.

A great example to use is John Lewis High Wycombe. John Lewis in High Wycombe employee different ethnic background and they all are different colours different people and all have different religion. In John Lewis they all have learnt the aspects of an organisation by working with each other as a team to achieve their goals. They all have learnt something about each of their partner’s religion and beliefs and what they believe in and all have a great understand of each other’s religion.

John Lewis has their own organisation culture that tells them who they are, what they do and how they do it. They have procedure they follow like any other organisation. The organisation at John Lewis is so strong that it is unbreakable. A organisation is what keeps the business on its feet and keep it running and without that they won’t be anything. They are three layers of culture the first is visible aspects of culture, the second is value and beliefs and the third and final one is the basic assumption that keep the organisation going.

Diagram of An Organisation Culture:

A power full culture is a culture that is powerful and strong and unbreakable because of the organisation it is for. If the organisation is good and strong than the power culture must be strong to. A powerful culture is a culture that is quick in its nature and is quick to do anything that is required.

A role culture is a culture that is used only by big organisations which are international organisations. A role culture is made up of rules and regulations that must be obeyed and also employees are told what to do and what not to do as well as how to do it. This culture is not the best one that people want to work for because they don’t feel motivated to work for because of the working atmosphere. This culture also consists of different levels that people have to reach to obtain power.

A task culture is a culture that consists of tasks that are done as a organisation. They do tasks together to achieve better results and are better for work in this environment. More people like to work in this type of environment because there is freedom and flexibility involved which means that you can work at your own pace because they will be other people to help you.

A person culture is a culture that is for manly the government and politics such as barristers. This culture has only one level which everyone is on and no one is higher or lower than each other by status, they all are equal. This culture only helps the people who are dedicated and interested in the culture and rewards them witn the success of the culture.

If you try and put culture into the four different types mentioned above than there will be no organisation structure left because all four are different types of culture and if you put them all together they all won’t work. If you put all these culture together than you will have to change everything about each of the 4 cultures which could include attitudes and the main one which makes and organisation which is poor communication. If you take out communication from these different culture than you are left with anything and the organisation will suffer because they can’t do anything right because they all are no communicating properly. I think it would be best if they where to keep all the different cultures separate from each other because they don’t go with each other and if they don’t go with each other than the organisation can benefit from it and achieve what the want to achieve as a organisation.

Overall I found this topic useful and I am glade we learnt it because it taught me something new that I didn’t know. I didn’t even Know that there was different types of cultures in a organisation, I thought that their was just one that every organisation used but I thought wrong. This topic was great their is a lot to learn from this topic. I also found out that you can’t put these different cultures together because you will have to change everything for all the organisations and keep them all the same

Improving Staff Performance

There are two different types of motivation theories when it comes to improving staff performance one is content and the other is process. There is a big difference in content and process theories because they both have different goals. A process theory explains a human’s behaviour and a content theory explains how people change.
A content theory is a theory of motivation which is shown by many different views:
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
• Herzberg’s two factor theory
• Aldefer’s ERG theory
• McClelland’s needs theory

A process theory is also a theory of motivation which is also shown by different aspects:
• Adam’s Equity Theory
• Kahler’s Drivers
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

The content theories focus on issues with a set individual that leads motivation. The process theories focus on how motivation takes place. I have chosen the expectancy theories because it identifies many different ways in which they motivate their employees. The expectancy theory I think is the most fairest from them all and is the most motivational ones as well because they reward the people who work hard and achieve targets that are set. A great example for me to use is the John Lewsis partnership company. John Lewis use the expectancy theory to maintain motivation in the working environment, They use the expectanct theory to achieve their sales targets as well as achieve great results anually which they all get a great big bonus.
John Lewis has many great benefits and rewards that the give their employees such as:
• A Share in the organisation which means they get a percentage of the organisation
• Great holiday entitelment
• If a employee has worked for them for over 15 years than they give them 6 months paid holiday
• Pension
• Holiday pay
• Extended Leave
• Life Assurance
• Holidays and Leisure Facilities
• Ticket Subsidies
• Voluntary Benefits
• Discount deals In store or online

John Lewis is one of the best organisations to work for and are in the top 50 of the best Britain organisation. John Lewis use the expectancy theory so it motivates their employees to work harder and strive for success because their employees are not just employees but instead they are shareholders of the organisation which makes them feel different and want to work harder because they own a percentage of the organisation. John Lewis have been using this expectancy theory for the past few years and since they introduced this theory their sales have increased and their employees like working for them because they offer them good benefits.

Below is a diagram on how John Lewis uses the Expectancy theory of motivation:

John Lewis uses this expectancy Theory to achieve targets and sales so that they can maximise profit which is not only good for just the organisation but for everyone that is part of the John Lewis organisation because they all get a share of the business. As you can see the Expectancy theory Diagram which shows us how well the John Lewis employees work because they have a percentage of the organisation which makes them work harder and put more effort into the business which also evaluates them to perform better and harder because the harder they worker the bigger the percentage they get at the end of the financial year. This than concludes and evaluates to the reward that they receive at the end of the year which depends on how well they have done. Last year John Lewis paid their partners a 14% annually bonus. This than motivates the partners to strive for success and work harder the following year to achieve a higher percentage in the next annual bonus.
Overall I believe that this topic on Improving staff Performance was a great topic to review because it taught me the motivation theory’s that different organisations use to improve their staff performance and what type of different benefits they use to persuade their employees/partners to achieve higher sales. This topic also taught me the Expectancy theory and the Equity theory as well as the goal theory that organisations have that they use to motivate their employees. Overall It was a good topic and I really enjoyed it.


Motivation Theory

There are 3 different types of theory’s that I have learned, The first one is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the second is the Hertzberg’s two factor theory and the third and final theory is the Aldefer’s ERG theory. These entire theory’s are all about motivation but they all have different views about motivation and how people should be motivated in a school, University, Personal and Business life. In this Assignment I had to only choose one Motivation Theory and therefore choose the one that best suited me which was the Hertzberg’s two factor theory.
The Hertzberg’s two factor theory was all about motivation in a work place. The theory had factors that contained different motivation stages in a work place that would cause job satisfaction so that the employees are happy and they work harder to achieve their aims and objectives. Hertzberg’s two factor theory consisted of two things, first it was motivation and secondly it was hygiene factors. The motivation factor was all about responsibility, achievement, recognistion and challenging work that could arise from a job. The motivation factor was needed so employers can motivate their employees to work harder and aim higher to achieve higher targets. The hygiene factor was all about job security, benefits for working, status, working conditions and salary. This theory was used to makes sure that the employees are happy to work for their employer and are not unhappy to work for them. Hertzberg designed the two step theory to understand the employee motivation and satisfaction.
The Diagram below Illustrates the two step Theory:

I feel that the Hertzsberg’s two factor theory is most relevant to me becuase I need some sort of motivation to keep me going on further in life for example I am a undergraduate student who is studying Accounting and Finance and I find it difficult tolearn becuase it is all complictaed with formulas and maths which I dont’ like at all but whta motivates me to do beter in my studys is my family and friends becuase my parents want to see me with a degree and see me happy and the only way I am going to be happy is if I see them happy so therfore I become more motivated to work harder to achieve my degree. Another motivation I have is to fufill my dream of becoming a Accountant and open my own Accounting consoltant firm but in order for me to do this i will need to work harder and better to achieve this goal which makes me motivated. Another motivation factor I have iis that if I work harder in life than I could buy the goods i want Buy the supercars I want and live a good life. I believe that when Hertberg says you need to have security I think people should consider it because it is a great motivation factor because everyone need security in life such as money. I also think the physiological needs relates to me because I thrive for sucess, I thrive for security.
The main Motivation I really had to start of my degree was really to see my parents happy, They have always wanted me to do well and this was a motivation theory for me. I started a dregree not only for my parents but also for myself I always knew I could be Or become someone really sucessful I always had that on my mind so that I could be motivated to do the tasks that are set in order for me to achiev my passport to sucess. Motivation has many different levels that people need to climb for example my first on was to pass my GCSE’S so that I could go on to do A levels and go on further to do a degree level and than a masters degree. The next three years my only motivation would be to obtain a degree in accounting and finance and the only way I could do this is if I chase excellence. If I chase excellence than I have the key to sucess which I believe open’s all the doors. Even this motivation of mine relates to the one I mentioned previously which was a bout security and Physical needs that Hertzberg theory mentions.
There was one time that I was demotivated to do anything which was about a year ago when I was studying my A levels. I became demotivated because of a family friend of mine he said to me what are you going to do with a degree, people who current have a degree can’t get a degree related job and are working in suppermarkets and are earning money just to survive on. I was afraid and was demotivated for about two weeks which I didn’t attend Sixth Form nore did I step outside my house, all that time I was constantly thinking what if I get a degree and I can’t find a job too than I am finished, How will I pay Back the student loan, i wasted all these years of my life but than suddenly I started to look at possibilitys of getting a degree related job which where very good, They involved good salary,good working environment,good hours and good benefits which motivated me to rejoin education and geta degree. I didn’t want to work all my life in a supermarket but instead wanted a nice house, nice car and a nice job which I could enjoy. If I was to do this diffrently than I would have gone to see carrer advisors such as Connections or aim higher to help and support young people in education and help them to discover a new education pathway.

Overall I believe that the motivation topic was very usefull to know becuase It outlined what we shold be looking for in our futhur jobs when we eventually get a degree related job. I also found this topic useful because It taught me a lot about motivation and how businesses use motivation to keep their employees happy. I also learned a bout the different types of motivation and which motivation best suited me. This Blog also taught me about Maslow’s hierach of needs, Hertzberg’s two factor theory and also Alderfer’s ERG theory.


In This Assignment I had to make blogs which where referred to on what we learned in the class room. For each lesson we had to make blogs and publish them on blogger which was part of the assignment. Throughout the assignment we had to underline the key issues that we learnt in class such as the first blog was on motivation so we had to outline the key facts about motivation such as Abraham Maslow’s theory and we also had to explain how Maslow’s theory relates to us.